This site contains controversial content, implied nudity, adult themes, dark humour, political satire, plans for GLOBAL DOMINATION, coarse language, dogs and cats sleeping together, natural disasters and a couple zombies. Content WILL be disturbing to some audiences, however most audiences WILL be disturbing to our content, so we’re even. All people pictured in the following pages, even those of real people, are entirely fictional, unless otherwise noted as being not fictional but indeed real. The content displayed on this site does not necessarily reflect the opinions of those who created and/or posted it….wink, wink...nudge, nudge! All photographs ARE altered to reflect our reality….the only reality that truly matters in our minds and humble opinions….
If you are offended with anything beyond this point, please DO NOT complain to us, as we told you so….and as a mature adult, or close facsimile, you still made a conscious decision to ignore our warning!